Having moved away a couple of years ago from our home state has taught me and shown me a lot. I remember being back at home and how I just felt overwhelmed 99.99 percent of the time. I was constantly feeling stressed out and just lost because I felt like I should always be doing
My birthday wish for myself is: I want to be able to look in the mirror and see myself the way that my loved ones see me! I want to embark on new challenges. I want to feel more confident. I want to take time out to pray more. I want to spend more time

Come and take a walk with me, while we walk just try and see what I see. I see happy where there was once sadness! I see opportunity where there was once only despair! I see experiences where there was once only dreams! I see choices where there was once a choice! I see connections

As I sit here and think about life… Life as a mom, partner, friend, sister, woman, and grownup. There are some truths that I am realizing exist in this very big, but small world. We as a people thrive on negativity! We as a people thrive on people going through drama! We as a people

Yesterday was one of those days that you struggle with being positive and feeling like a failure… Maybe it’s just me that has this struggle. I find myself trying to be positive and really just seeing good when the good is hard to see, but there are moments where all of that goes out the
Moving to the NC (as I like to call it) has opened up a whole new world of opportunities and adventures that would normally be stuff that we would have done while on vacation. It’s very strange to get used to the fact that we walk out on the balcony and we view this beautiful

Why do we give and do so much for those that do nothing for themselves? Why do we give and do so little for those that do so much for themselves? hmmmmmmm Why do we give and do so much for those that do nothing for themselves? Why do we give and do so little

What is beautiful? What is perfect? When will you feel like you are enough? These questions haunt all of us, they are in the back of our minds… Whether we are talking about our bodies, our hair, our faces, our actions, and everything in between. We are always questioning the reflection that we see in
Chandler- 4!! Wow, you are such a bright shining light in our lives! You are funny! You are smart! You are such a gentle soul! You are strong willed! You are particular! You enjoy youtube kids, you like playing with play dough, and painting. You color with a dry erase board when pooping because you

Embrace. Experience. Enjoy I am loving my 30’s… It’s at this point that I am realizing life is simple! Life is Awesome! Life is crazy! Life is a GIFT. The days are long and the years are short, and there are moments that just kind of slip out of our fingers and we often times