As we enter into 2020 – First of all I am bummed that Barbara Walters didn’t say, “I am Barbara Walters and this is 2020 (lol) I can’t help but think about 2019 and all that happened – We are so grateful for the doors that God opened and closed for us. So thankful for

Why do we all have to compare? At the end of the day we should all be :1. Pro feeding children (breast or bottle I don’t care – FEED THE CHILDREN!)2. Let your baby sleep ( If that means co – sleeping or in a bed all to themselves awesome!) Whatever helps you sleep because
There I was a single Mom playing with my baby boy – First word – Ball other than the sounds of Ma ma – 🙂 His first actual word though – ball! This meant that anything round that remotely resembled a ball was going to get thrown in some fashion… As time went on this

Lately it’s like I can’t find the words to even explain what I am thinking or feeling – Here I am sitting in this coffee shop – watching my sweet boys play a marble game, listening to Mom’s chat about how they can help other kiddos, and watching as the barista works hard to complete
This school year started off as a bit of a struggle for me emotionally, mentally, and physically – Emotionally draining because I felt like I was at a constant battle with myself over sending Chandler to school and getting a job or continuing on the path we are on… This battle is hard and drained
Today is the day that the Lord has made. Psalm 118:24. I love this verse and all it stands for- The truth that it holds and it’s ability to bring us back from the cliff. You know the cliffs that we are stand on- the cliff of uncertainty, frustration, sadness, the feeling of losing control,
I do not disagree or agree with these statements- I will say that my mindset has changed I am in a different place – emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually, and experiences have been different. I’m sure this post will strike a nerve with some of you and that’s okay- It’s healthy and normal to have disagreeing
Over the last few weeks at church they have been talking about “stories” Stories about how Jesus and different things he has done and continues to do, also individual stories – testimonies from people in our congregation… Heart wrenching, tears rolling down my face, God stories! Today our church basically hosted an open mic for
Yesterday we decided to make an afternoon community pool visit- This isn’t something that I choose to do very often, I get a lot of anxiety. I turn into a serious helicopter parent, while our 6 year old wearing a life jacket and our 15 year old is right beside him in the pool. Then
There was a time that I thought I had it all figured out- I judged what I didn’t know and stood completely firm on the foundation that was built around me without even thinking of taking a leap of faith or even a tiny step. I am happy to report that in my 35 years