Mom MoJo
“Mom MoJo” I know what is this that I am talking about. Well, I view the “Mom MoJo” like ya know me being on top of my game. Like activities, cooking dinner, laundry, playing, having a good attitude- Ya know Mom stuff.
At any rate- this week, I have been failing. I am sure the weather is playing a roll in my attitude. Moving back here I knew this was going to be the hardest part for me and it is proving to be. I don’t mind the snow, in fact, I think it’s beautiful. The thing that is the hardest for me is the frigid cold that you just can’t go out and play in. I am an outside person. I love to bike ride, go to the park, water, water, and more water! Ahhh I am longing for the lakes to start to thaw so that I can get my board out! I know that it’s just right around the corner, but wheeew!
I am writing about this today because I feel like I can’t be the only Mom that is going through this. The real question is- How am I combatting this? Play dates have been a savior, I couldn’t be more thankful for preschool. That has been such a nice break. I know, I’m not supposed to say that. Seriously though! It has been such a blessing that he is acclimating so well to it and he is so excited to come home and talk about his day. It gives me a little time and it is showing him that it’s okay to do life with out his Mama for a little bit. Working out! We generally do day to day grocery shopping. I am not a huge fan of huge amounts of grocery shopping at one time. I like fact of making a quick trip here and there. It gives us a chance to get out of the house, plus it’s a fun way to work on letters and numbers for Chan as well, and it takes the pressure off of eating something that you decided 4 days prior to eat. (I guess you can see we are live on the edge kind of people) hahahah
Taking an hour or so in the morning for myself before everyone wakes up has been super therapeutic! I normally will go out to the gym for about 25 minutes then I will sit with my tea and a book or my laptop. Just having some time to gather my thoughts and get my day started. I mean to mentally, physically, and emotionally prepare for what this day is going to have in store for me. I have noticed on days that I just hit the snooze button or turn the alarm off are the days I am most on edge. It really changes things for me.
If you have any good ideas on how to get “Mom MoJo” back please share! Probably a Mom vacation with a drink in my hand and the beach no kids???? hehehehe Until that day, which is not in the near future I will keep on keeping on!
Today- is going to be a lazy day for me and the kids and I do not feel bad about that. I feel like we all need a good veg out time. Play dates are soo soo good, but I think sometimes after having school, and play dates, and other stimulants the kids need days that they get to stay in pajamas as well.