Can you Spark?
We joined the Advocare family about a week ago. We received our welcome packet that included samples of Spark, Rehydrate, and Meal Replacements. The meal replacements are extremely filling and help curb my appetite. The water bottle is super cute and seals perfect! The rehydrate has been great after our runs. Running in general is hard! Running here in 93-100 degree temperatures we sweat and little… haha The rehydrate has been awesome! It tastes great and gives you that feeling of being replenished. The spark though is something that is making a huge difference just in our day to day. It sounds so cliche, but seriously, I have so much energy. Also, it’s very filling. I have been having a shaker bottle in the morning before any thing and one about 3 o’clock if I am busy that day. It really is amazing the difference in how I am feeling. I haven’t felt the need to nap, and normally I get Chan down for his nap and take a little cat nap myself because I am exhausted. I actually just went to the doctor and had them do a blood panel because I was concerned with how tired I was… Every thing came back normal. I think my body just needed a little pick me up. The spark is that pick me up for sure. I will also say that after drinking it first thing in the morning I am not hungry. The last three days my appetite is really under control. My only thing is that I wish I would have tried it sooner.
Josh will normally drink at least 3 cups of coffee and still feel sluggish, but he has been taking spark for the last 2 days and he has said that he hasn’t needed the extra cups of coffee and that he has more energy to get though the day!
Monday we will start the CU24 workout videos and I am excited! They are 24 minute workouts and each workout has a modifier, regular, and advanced person to follow. Sounds like there is something for everyone and we all have 24 minutes 🙂
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