Creative Jars – What are Creative Jars? How can we create a jar that is unique? What does the perfect jar look like? This term if you will came to me the other night, there I was lying in bed, unable to sleep, with my mind racing. This is when I decided to do what

“What does your husband say about your little boys clothes?” “Your making your son GAY!” “I love what you’re doing!” “You are braver than me.” The questions / statements are everywhere… The funny thing is that until it was on my doorstep in the form of a 2 year old little boy that was fiercely

Most girls fantasize about having children: We think about having a little girl and dressing her in the cutest little dresses or having a little boy and he will look like a little man. We see other people with kids screaming in public, we see parents with kids having unmatching clothes, we see everything in

“Mom MoJo” I know what is this that I am talking about. Well, I view the “Mom MoJo” like ya know me being on top of my game. Like activities, cooking dinner, laundry, playing, having a good attitude- Ya know Mom stuff. At any rate- this week, I have been failing. I am sure the

Today is such a big day in our house, I mean HUGE! I woke up extra early, did some sewing, and took the big guy to school, came home and not to long after I was in route to take Chan to school. Josh and I worked as a team to get him ready, and

Today I celebrate you! I am thankful to call you friend, partner, lover, and husband! I love your heart! I love your sense of humor! I love your strength and patience! I love your willingness to take such huge leaps of faith with me! I love that you love our Lord! I love that our

Did you wake up today pissed off at the world? Did you wake up today and think that today is the absolute worst day of your life before your feet even hit the floor? Do you feel angry, sad, confused, frustrated, and just mad most of the time? Then my question to you is: Are

When hiring for a position- The interviewer or resume reviewer, they often times check the resume for credentials, and most the time a place asks you to give them 3 references, but the messed up part about this is that anybody can write down 3 people that they like and that will vouch for them,
2017- Another one for the books! We really took some chances and wheew did we have fun! During the year of 2017 we rang in the new year in our Cape Coral house with some awesome friends! The next couple of months would be spent celebrating Josh, Ashley, and Jacob! Those winter birthdays! The next

This Christmas season has just been such a blessing- play dates, family dinners, cookies, and praising our Heavenly father. Sunday we woke up and went to Church- while there the pastor started talking about the birth of Baby Jesus and how it all came about. This is a story that I have heart about a