updates on how our older kids are doing :)
Vaginal or C-section delivery? Adoption? Do you breast or bottle feed? What kind of diapering system are you using? Homemade baby food or store bought? Organic or Not? Garden to table or fast food? Pre-school or Not? Public or Private education? Home school or Un-School? Married or Single? Gay or Straight? Breath Easy Mama! You
As a little girl, I was oblivious to a lot of things. I was on a mission to change the world from the earliest stage of life. I remember at the age of 8 or 9 writing a petition to make it illegal for my family to smoke in our vehicle… The funny thing about

Communicating with tiny humans can be the hardest at times, but with a few steps hopefully we can make it a more enjoyable experience for all involved. All the time I am hearing people say things like: They don’t know what they want! They are just kids- be the boss. It doesn’t matter what they

This year is an interesting year in our house, we have a daughter graduating high school, a son graduating 8th grade, and our tiny guy graduated pre school. That being said there are a lot of emotions that just engulf every aspect of my existence at this point. Anytime a graduation occurs it brings back

Wow, big things happening in Columbia City, Indiana at Indian Springs Middle school! Let me back up and explain how it all started… Spring break was about to be underway when the school sent out an automated email saying that our son’s lunch account was negative .15, now normally we would have written a check
2017- Another one for the books! We really took some chances and wheew did we have fun! During the year of 2017 we rang in the new year in our Cape Coral house with some awesome friends! The next couple of months would be spent celebrating Josh, Ashley, and Jacob! Those winter birthdays! The next

This Christmas season has just been such a blessing- play dates, family dinners, cookies, and praising our Heavenly father. Sunday we woke up and went to Church- while there the pastor started talking about the birth of Baby Jesus and how it all came about. This is a story that I have heart about a
In 2 days we get to celebrate one of the most amazing moments! The birth of our Christ and Savior, our Heavenly Father! We get to celebrate his birth- We are so blessed that he loved/loves us so much that he has enabled all that we have, where we are, and where we are going.
Going back as far as you can remember you have been asked the question, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” You are asked this question by your parents, Aunts, Uncles, friends, teachers, and even strangers- It’s also true that all of these people whether spoken or not had some idea of

18- There was a time that it felt so far away, like it wasn’t within arms reach, but here you are about to embark on Adulthood! Adulthood is just another beautiful chapter in your life if you let it be. Take each day just as you have for the past 18 years, listen to advice