Yesterday started out like any other day. I woke up drove Ashley to school while the rest of the house was a sleep. I get home to Chan awake and Josh warming up some milk. The morning continues without a hiccup. Getting Chan dressed, making breakfast, getting Jacob up, getting myself ready, in the midst

Choose to LOVE Choose to LIVE Choose to DANCE Choose to SING Choose to LAUGH Choose to SMILE Choose to EXPLORE Choose to SEE Choose to CLIMB Choose to RUN Choose to TRY At the end of the day we are all given this beautiful gift of life. We all have a story to tell.

On a daily basis there are phrases that come out of my mouth and I have to say, “Wow, I never thought I would be saying that.” There are certain moments that happen and I go well no one prepared me for that… Things that occur and I have to go, “Am I being punked!?

It’s the little moments… It’s the little moments that take my breath away… It’s watching my kids play and laugh together… It’s those moments when they need me. It’s when Ashley asks me to cut up her steak. It’s when Jacob asks me to do his hair for school. It’s when Chandler only wants me

I remember the Sparkle in your eyes! I remember the Touch of your hand! I remember the Embrace of your hug! I remember the Very sound of your laugh! I remember the Excellent way your lived! Steven, It’s been a year that you have moved on to bigger and better things. I am Amazed at

I can’t believe that I am 32… Here I sit and reflect on my life… Hmmmmmm It is Amazing the different phases I have gone through. I look back at my life and I couldn’t be more thankful for each and every situation that has occurred. It has all lead me to this point (and

An update on Chandler Price Johnson is long over due… I’ll start off by our morning… This boy decided to wake up at 6:00 am this morning, which this is about an hour and a half earlier than normal… (So, we know it’s gonna be an awesome day!) Well we get some coco (which is

We have been here in Florida for a little over a month and in our new home a little over 2 weeks. The palm trees are absolutely perfect and the sun is amazing! There are days when it’s a little warm, but I will take the heat over freezing cold any day of the week.

I think that raising kids without my mom and dad is so difficult. I wish so much that she was here to just give them a piece of her first hand. A piece of her hands on love. A piece of her sense of humor and amazing ability to cook everything and make it amazing.

We are about to embark on an adventure! We are getting prepared for a move to Florida! (The sunshine state) We are so uber excited about this! Getting ready for it is a little stressful. We have been packing, cleaning, purging, and painting… Oh and more painting… It’s crazy, but the time is going by