3rd Trimester

We are a little over 26 weeks, things are going acceptionally well with the pregnancy.  We as a family are also doing well.  Jacob is getting excited and growing like a weed. I can’t believe that he i 9… It feels like yesterday that he was a baby, I signed him up for his 3rd year of baseball yesterday… Ashley is also growing so fast… She has started practicing for Track to start! Our lives are about to get super busy! 😉  We are getting ready for a trip to Penn. for skiing (well they will be skiing). I am looking forward to my chance to be a beached whale at the pool. I however, am not looking forward to the drive, but I plan to dress in loose fitting clothes (aka Josh’s clothes) I don’t have anything loose fitting…. bahahha at anyrate I also plan on taking a heating pad for my lower back. I am sure we will be fine.

As far as the pregnancy Baby Chandler is growing everyday and getting stronger.  He enjoys hanging out in the lower part of my uterus.  Sometimes I believe he is inside my bladder. His movements are super strong, sometimes I enjoy just feeling and watching him move… Makes my heart smile 🙂 We are getting ready for his party on the 13th (baby shower) I am super excited just to celebrate him. I am feeling so blessed to have such a great set of people in my life. I have found a new love for baths. The relief on my lower back feels so good it’s almost like a piece of heaven here on earth. I am thinking that in the next month I may become a permanent resident in the bathroom 🙂


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Chrissy Hise

Chrissy Hise

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