Sunday, I took the boys to the beach- we were only planning on spending a few minutes to gather a few shells and walk along the beach-We had spend a few hours there on Sat and wanted to just head back for a quick visit before heading home- This isn’t what happened, instead something much

Our four year old has flown 7 times in his little life- which is impressive because I didn’t take my first flight until I was 30. At any rate we were flying from Charlotte, NC to Dallas, TX, he was starring out the window just chatting away- talking about the colors of the sky

Storms of Life- We are all faced with different storms- The storms of life are in the realm of experiences that you go through or the moments that impact you. I say impact because when a storm hits the hardest part is the impact, the aftermath, and effects that hang around for years to come.

Directions- Let me just get this out there, I am awful at directions. If someone says to me- Oh just head North on State Rd X and then head East on X street. All I can do is just smile and nod. I mean I legit have no idea what they are talking about, and

A bucket list- What a strange name for a list of places you want to visit, people you want to meet, foods you want to eat, and just random things you want to accomplish. My bucket list consists of: I always wanted to visit the ocean- I have done this on multiple occasions and it

Choose To Be A Student of Life Take a child entering into a day care or school setting for the first time, they feel absolutely terrified. For instance taking our 4 year old to his school skills class for the first time, I opened the door to help him out of his seat. He was

Today and every day I celebrate a person that made a choice to make this world a better place. He never used his situations as a crutch to not better himself. He never used his past to hinder his present. He looked at life and went after his goals and dreams. He set

“As long as you feel pain, you’re still alive. As long as you make mistakes, you’re still human. And as long as you keep trying, there’ still hope.” – Susan Gale This quote hit me hard today!As long as you feel pain, you’re still alive  This is so true… All to often we tell ourselves that

This question, “What is the meaning of this crazy thing we call life?” Hmmmmm, well, I am sure there are about a billion explanations from different people, but this is the perspective of a 34 year old woman that has been through a little bit of life. The last few days have given me some

We have choices- Emotional, mental, physical, geographical and so forth. We are told that what we surround ourselves with is what we will be. This is true in friendships, jobs, and places. I made choice a couple years ago to stop watching the news because when I watch the news it just brings me down.