Chandler is growing so fast right before our eyes. It feels like yesterday that we brought him home. He is such a happy baby! He has the sweetest sparkle in his eyes. He is very sure of what he wants that’s for sure. He is doing so many things! He is self feeding, he picks
This 3rd Valentines Day together. I am not much for this holiday as I think it is overrated and way to commercialized. .I honestly think it’s more about the kids than us adults. It’s the little kids that exchange valentines at school and have parties. I do wish that schools would continue this tradition all
Chandler has been such a delight since day one. It’s crazy how fast the time has gone… I can’t believe that he is almost 7 months old. He is a happy little guy! I find myself just studying him and watching him trying to store these precious moments in my memory bank. I don’t know

13, 9, and 4 months! They are all absolutely Amazing! I feel so blessed that I get to experience them on a daily bases, but it is hard! Ashley being 13 – she has begun to be into boys, and she is experimenting with her clothes and trying to find herself. These are all beautiful

A lot has happened in the past 4 weeks… The kids are full fledged into the sports of there choosing! Ashley has done fantastic at Cross thus far winning each of her races! So proud of her dedication! Jacob is doing fantastic at football. I have so much fun watching him move so quick on

I am very much in love with life as a new Mom. It has been an adjustment for sure. I have moments where I feel overwhelmed and I cry often, but at the end of the day I am blessed with three bundles of love. In saying that, I am exhausted. Chandler has decided that
I am 35 weeks and a couple days pregnant now. Things are going fantastic. He was measuring at 34 weeks at our last appointment, my weight gain has been 16 total lbs up to this point, and my blood pressure is fantastic. All of which makes me so happy and relieved. He is still so
Well it’s time for us to start our sprint!! The house is coming along. Baby clothes are washed and put away, pack n play is set up and ready to go, crib is up and cleaned with the bed made, and we are patiently awaiting our swee Chandler’s arrial. It’s crazy to think that we are
Things are going well on the home front. Both kids are vey busy with there extra curriculars. Ashley – Track / Jacob – Baseball. They are both doing Great and it is so exciting watching them with thier teams. It is a little tiring at times, but well worth it. Chandler is on the homeward
First of all vacation was brilliantly relaxing. The ride down was not at all fun there was a lot of puking, but no swelling so silver lining 🙂 The weather was nice and we didn’t run into much traffic on the way down. The kids were great. Watched movies, drew picures, and slept. 🙂 We