updates on how our older kids are doing :)
The weather is marvelous! It’s been about 3 weeks now of not turning the tv on until late afternoon through out the week. It really is amazing how much more engaged I am with the things around me. At this point in my life (the age of 30). It’s crazy because I catch myself saying
I think that school has changed so much over the years. I think that our government has lost sight of what school should be and by doing this it’s hurting our youth more and more. Not only them but teachers. The obsession over test scores makes it hard for teachers to actually teach the kids
We started our drive at 10 pm… Got the car packed and we were ready to go… however, Chandler had a different idea of what he wanted. We pulled over not even 2 miles from home because that baby boy was not enjoying the ride. I shifted to the back seat to console him. The
Ashley is officially done with basketball for this go around! We are so proud of how far she came from the beginning. She really found her nack in playing aggressive defense. I am unsure if she will play in high school, but that’s really null and void. The fact is that we are so proud
Jacob is such an amazing kid. He has such a big heart and wants to befriend every one. Well, apparently he has a couple of friends that get picked on by the other kids in his class and he sticks up for them, which now makes him an easy target for bullying. He has been

A lot has happened in the past 4 weeks… The kids are full fledged into the sports of there choosing! Ashley has done fantastic at Cross thus far winning each of her races! So proud of her dedication! Jacob is doing fantastic at football. I have so much fun watching him move so quick on
We are about to embark on our 18 our trip to Florida later on this evenning. I am very excited for vacation. As this will be our last vacation as a 4 person family. 🙂 So we thought it was important that we make an effort to do something super fun. As life will be changing

I have to say yesterday I definately woke up on the wrong side of the bed. It all started around 11:30 pm. Sleep was not my friend. I was tossing and turning all night. At one point I tried sleep on the floor, and well that didn’t work out in my favor. I then decided
The kids found the game Twister at Goodwill (.50cents) and decide they want to get it. So, of coarse I think this is a good idea because it means they won’t be using electronics and plus I had a good feeling that I would be entertained. They want to play and I choose to be
I was awake at 5 this AM because I was sure that this sweet baby boy had dug a whole in my bladder and decided that he wanted to really make use of all the space he could. Really I can’t be upset about this… I am actually Amazed at how resourceful he is. At