Over the last few weeks at church they have been talking about “stories” Stories about how Jesus and different things he has done and continues to do, also individual stories – testimonies from people in our congregation… Heart wrenching, tears rolling down my face, God stories! Today our church basically hosted an open mic for

2018~ We rang in the New Year with friends and family! Followed by moments! Moments that took my breath away. Moments that I am thankful we were blessed to experience. We started the year off with birthday shenanigans for Jacob ~ 14 and Josh ~ 39! We did small celebrations with friends and family

As the new year is here I can’t help but look back on 2016… I ask things like: What did I learn? How can I take what I learned and apply it to 2017… Throughout this last year I have learned a lot about myself… I have learned my body is awesome! I am finally
Chandler Price (aka Baby Johnson) is steadily growing and making use off all the space he has (which isn’t very much) He’s active throughout the day and night. I do love feeling him expoloring his surroundings (which happens to be my uterus) :). At 25 weeks in I am still getting sick almost daily. I