Woah! 7 hours in the car, 4 states, and memories for a life time! For as long as I can remember I have wanted to see Niagara Falls up close and personal. We are so blessed that we were able to experience that this weekend. After hours of research and hundreds of blogs read
At Church on Sunday during worship there was a sweet little family sitting in front of us. They had a toddler boy and girl. As worship is happening the little girl is watching her Dad’s phone and she is focused- “All the earth will shout your praises, our hearts will cry, these bones will sing
Friends / boyfriend / girlfriend / husband / wife More than these titles I think it’s important to put more emphasis on “Partner in Life.” I remember at an early age my brothers and sisters, mom and dad, and others would say things like oh is that your boyfriend? You know in a joking manor,
As parents we all want the same thing. We all want our kids to be accepted by the people around them, yet we also want our kids to be firm in who they are. Now understand that this comes easier for some parents than others. Maybe your little boy loves trucks and sports and your

This year is an interesting year in our house, we have a daughter graduating high school, a son graduating 8th grade, and our tiny guy graduated pre school. That being said there are a lot of emotions that just engulf every aspect of my existence at this point. Anytime a graduation occurs it brings back

I am a huge fan of people watching, I enjoy watching how people interact with one another. I like watching facial expressions and interactions between people. During worship at Church I tend to scan the space and watch people with there interactions. I especially love watching children during worship. Children have this perfect innocence and

My entire life Church has been a norm for me. As far back as I can remember there was Sunday school, vacation bible school, church camps, outings, and dinners. You can say church has always been a staple, however, as much as I loved Church and what it stood for I still became a little

The other day this lady introduces herself to us, and after chatting a bit we realize that we have some mutual friends. She jokingly says something along the lines of (Oh good I can dig up some good dirt on you then). I laugh and we just go about the day. As this conversation starts

As Mother’s Day is approaching I have spent a lot of time just trying to really understand what this day means, the bigger part of that is what does being a Mother mean? What does it mean to be given this title “Mom, Mother, Mama, Mommy? On a daily basis this title is one that

Wow, big things happening in Columbia City, Indiana at Indian Springs Middle school! Let me back up and explain how it all started… Spring break was about to be underway when the school sent out an automated email saying that our son’s lunch account was negative .15, now normally we would have written a check