Chandler is 16 months, A typical day is crazy most of the time. Chandler stays busy with story time, and toddler time, and book buddies, or play dates that we attend at least 2 times a week. He is also a champ at helping “unfold” clothes that I have just folded! He is also fabulous
Today is one of those days I woke up with the biggest smile on my face listening to Chandler talking in his crib. I turn my head… there was the man who has my heart. (The day was going to be the best day!) I got up grabbed Chan boy out of the crib and
We are going on about 4 weeks of Connections Academy. The first week was hell and I questioned our decision to switch from regular school to online school. After speaking with the kids’ teacher’s the second week was a lot easier. I feel like we are now on a good routine and we have a
My birthday is right around the corner… The crazy thing is that for as long as I can remember I had my birthday celebration planned a long time in advance and I celebrated my birthday the whole month. There were jobs that I would purposely schedule off for the majority of August if I could.
Yesterday getting ready for church I was feeling a little overwhelmed with emotion… I was so frustrated with the bigs, and frustrated with myself because the house wasn’t picked up. I was overwhelmed with the schedule to follow for this week and I proceeded to just elaborate on all of the things that were so
In life we go through good, bad, beautiful, ugly, breath taking, and crazy things. Each one of those things (experiences) will impact us in a way. I heard a man say that God only gives us what we ask for… For instance if you ask for Patience, he will give you situations to be patient…
Chandler had his birthday on June 10, 2014, and we celebrated his party on June 14, 2014. The day he turned 1 it was so bitter sweet. It was hard to believe that he went to bed just a baby and woke up being 1. He is ever changing and growing!! I can’t even believe

A couple days ago our daughter Ashley had her 8th grade graduation. Crazy thing I can remember my 8th grade celebration like it was yesterday (down to the last detail). Watching this happen made me think back to the things that I thought I wanted, things that people wanted me to become, expected me to

I sit here and I think about life and society and the things we are taught, things that are socially acceptable, and the need for constant approval. I look at me as a whole and I know that I try and be a good person, I try and be a good mom, I try to
Our whole lives we are told what to do, what to believe, how to behave… For instance growing up… I was told that I talked too much at school and was scolded a lot because apparently talking is bad. The problem a lot of teachers had with me was that I knew what they were