updates on how our older kids are doing :)

I think that raising kids without my mom and dad is so difficult. I wish so much that she was here to just give them a piece of her first hand. A piece of her hands on love. A piece of her sense of humor and amazing ability to cook everything and make it amazing.
. Our bigs are testing waters at this point… I find that on a daily basis we are at a loss of how to handle certain situations… We are confused at what the right thing to do is… Last night I think we were able to come up with an idea… When you first become
Ashley is at Eagle Tech and has acclimated well to life as a high school student. She is auditing her classes for the next few weeks because of the fact that they are on trimesters. I think this is good for her because it gives her a chance to get to know the schedule and
I have been struggling lately with the passing of my nephew… I struggled as a child with the passing of my Father… Then as a young adult I struggled with the passing of my Mother. When my Dad passed away I was so angry with God because I couldn’t understand why God would take my
The last few weeks have really been a struggle for me. I am constantly fighting back tears, constantly yearning for approval, and more times than not I am forgetting about myself… We as Mom’s tend to solely focus on our kids and forget that we are still here on this precious earth. I think a
I am in the process of looking up some stuff to maybe do my children’s time at church over… I ask the bigs what I should look up and they say “Patience” I respond with why? Jacob responds because God is always so patient with us… heart happy! I think to myself wow this is
Jacob wasn’t able to play football this year because of breaking his arm. This is still something that he is upset about. He will walk over to the boys practice while I am practicing with the cheerleaders and I know that he just wants to be a part of that team so bad! He started
Today is one of those days I woke up with the biggest smile on my face listening to Chandler talking in his crib. I turn my head… there was the man who has my heart. (The day was going to be the best day!) I got up grabbed Chan boy out of the crib and
We are going on about 4 weeks of Connections Academy. The first week was hell and I questioned our decision to switch from regular school to online school. After speaking with the kids’ teacher’s the second week was a lot easier. I feel like we are now on a good routine and we have a
In life we go through good, bad, beautiful, ugly, breath taking, and crazy things. Each one of those things (experiences) will impact us in a way. I heard a man say that God only gives us what we ask for… For instance if you ask for Patience, he will give you situations to be patient…