You have to put in the work! Seriously, put in the work- Ahhhh this is the normal conversation that I am constantly having with our 5 year old, 15 year old, and most days my self. lol The struggle is real people! It is hard to put in the work – especially when you are
It has been a while- I haven’t felt motivated to do anything outside the bare minimums with the outside world. I have been scared to post anything, depressed about the weather, I have felt excluded, and like I don’t fit in. On a daily I work with Chandler and get Jacob where he needs to

There we were strolling through Sam’s Club. The day was going off without a hitch, which when you have a toddler is few and far between that there aren’t hand grenade’s being thrown at you from all directions. I feel like we were on the upswing of learning the triggers to keep the grenades at
I have heard so many parents / people so many times say – to a new Mom. Oh is he/she a good baby? This question always baffles me- What does that mean? Good baby? Ummmm – A baby is not bad or good. A baby is just that a baby- a perfect little bean that
Vaginal or C-section delivery? Adoption? Do you breast or bottle feed? What kind of diapering system are you using? Homemade baby food or store bought? Organic or Not? Garden to table or fast food? Pre-school or Not? Public or Private education? Home school or Un-School? Married or Single? Gay or Straight? Breath Easy Mama! You
Sometimes there are moments that just fill a persons heart with such happy feelings, but then quickly turns to feelings of confusion looking for clarity. The day started off like most- the boys were off to get the day started. Josh heading to work and Jacob heading to school. Chan sleeping like a sweet baby
Last night was filled with eye opening elevated conversation – In small terms “argument” Contrary to most peoples beliefs I think disagreements / arguments / conversations are healthy. They are healthy because they are a way of expressing oneself and when doing this with your partner you should be able to be raw – You
Yesterday was a day that I felt invisible – like no one could see me! Yesterday was a day I felt ignored – like no one could hear me! Yesterday was a day I felt like a shadow – no one could touch me. If you have ever felt like you weren’t seen, heard, or

“How do I make this decision? They are both so great! How much are they?” – Chandler asks Well, buddy they are 3 -dollars “Well, that’s not very much, I can just get them both.” hmmmm, I will compromise- you can get both if you give me 2 dollars when we get home. “Yes, I
Last week we went to the movies and followed that with a later than normal trip to Walmart. We initially thought this will be fun for people watching. People watching is fun… As soon as we entered there were a couple of people that I instantly thought “People of Walmart” because at first I thought